In addition to your current resolutions, I’d like to propose that you and I go on a journey together throughout 2016. A journey that will positively impact every part of your life, if you choose to walk this path with me. It’s a journey to improve the quality of the relationships in our life in 2016.
Walk past the self-help section in the bookstore, and you’ll find endless titles devoted to relationships, communication and helping people connect with others.
The magazine rack at your local grocery store is brimming with articles on how to snag the guy of your dreams, how to keep the love alive, the best techniques for amazing … (whoops, sorry, this is a family blog!)-well, you get the idea!
I’ll say it again … everything in our lives revolve around people!
Therefore, if you want to live the life you were meant to live, you’ll need to know the secrets of winning with people and developing healthy, happy, and meaningful relationships and commit to working everyday on having the relationships at home, at work, and at play with the people in your lives.
Your Invitation
I invite you to join me on a journey that will help improve the quality of the relationships in your life. I invite you to join me on a journey that will help you have the kinds of relationships you want, need and desire in your life. I invite you to join me on a journey that can result in dramatic and powerful results by the end of the year, if you choose to do it!
Join me every week for a new blog post designed to encourage, motivate, equip you on your relational, communication and connection journey!
Before we begin, I encourage you to get a few things...
- A writing journal
- An open mind
- An open heart
Happy New Year … and Happy Connecting!