Alright, so this isn’t really a completely serious resolution-but there are things you can do to show your people that you really do care about them, that may not cost as much money as you think-and coffee isn't a bad place to start! Remember, a happy office is a more productive office!
I’d also recommend that you pick up a journal and take notes-jot down your thoughts, ideas, inspirations that arise from your reading. Then schedule some time to read your thoughts and notes a few weeks or months down the road.
Here are some books I love:
Winning with People-Discover the People Principles That Work For You Every Time-by John Maxwell
Monday Morning Mentoring-Ten Lessons to Guide You Up The Ladder by David Cottrell
Tuesdays With Morrie- by Mitch Albom
The Power of Understanding People-by Dave Mitchell
3) Set a Positive Tone When You Walk into the Office: Do you remember when you were just starting out that feeling you had when you knew the manager was coming into the office-and how the entire mood of the whole place could change instantly depending on the mood of your manager?
The same thing is happening today.
Your people watch how you enter the office and their mood can be determined by yours. After all, if the boss seems ticked off and angry, your people aren’t going to want to act like they’ve just won a trip to Disneyland. They’re going to sit at their desks, on pins and needles, wondering what they should do and how they should do it.
So regardless of your actual mood-when you walk in the office, greet everyone, smile, say, “It’s good to see you!” and then if you need to isolate yourself in the office for a little bit, go and do it so you don’t bring the whole office down. When your people feel relaxed they will perform a lot better.
4) Find Out What Drives and Motivates Every Member of Your Team: We are all driven by something-if you can figure out what truly motivates your people to get up in the morning and come to work, you can bring out the best in them. Incidentally, the motivation is probably not just the paycheck!
Schedule some coffee time with your team members, individually, and ask them what motivates them, what drives them, what makes the day rewarding or deflating, what do they want to do with their lives and how does their job tie in to their “big picture.”
5) ABC-Always Be Coaching (Both Good and Bad): One of your most important functions is giving constant feedback and coaching to your associates. They want to do well…they really do! So when you see them doing something well, be sure to acknowledge it, both personally and publicly.
When someone’s actions need correcting, it's important that you provide that correction-and not just vent about it to someone else! So, correct as soon as you can and do it in private! I know it’s not always a fun talk to have, but they will appreciate your doing it now, than telling them about it six months from now during their performance reviews.
6) Remind Yourself Often That Leadership is Really About Serving Your People: There is a saying I love that says, "To whom much is given, much is required." and I think that sums up managing and leading your team very aptly. We all want the title, the office and the responsibilities that come with being the boss-but there is a price to pay for the benefits-and that price is paid inservice to the people you lead.
When your people buy into your heart-they'll buy into you!
What are some of your New Year's resolutions?