Before we pulled in, “If You Leave Me Now” started and I, of course started to sing along with Peter Cetera. Here’s the deal; I did fine with the,
“If you leave me now, you’ll take away the biggest part of me.”
Then I got to the part that says,
“Woooooo oh no baby please don’t go!”
Big. Problem.
I have been singing, seemingly, all my life. Yet, I have a baritone voice. And unfortunately Peter Cetera hits notes just a tad bit higher than my range. Okay . . . a lot higher, so when I tried to use my falsetto voice to hit the notes, my throat seemed to respond with, “What do you think you’re doing?”
So, the choice I’d have to make if I wanted to sing professionally is whether I would spend my time practicing my falsetto voice, with very little results or work with the voice God gave me.
The same is true in our lives, right? How many people do you know spend all of their time, energy and talents trying to fit in to a set of parameters that don’t match who they really are? You and I have been told for so long how we’re “supposed” to fit into the pieces of things that it’s hard to know where what we’ve been led to believe stops and where we truly begin.
Maybe you have a dream to start a business, but have been told it’s too risky. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to devote more time to ministry or volunteering, but you know that your career arc could take a hit. Are you contemplating changing professions or companies but don’t think it’s the safe thing to do? Do you feel that life is just kind of sucked out of you as each day passes?
These could be signs that you’re trying to sing a falsetto song with a baritone voice! Perhaps its time to consider singing a different song in your key?
Now it’s your turn! Do you dream of doing something different? Have you made the leap? What's holding you back?