So what can we learn? I'll leave it to the experts to unpack what the election means in political terms, I'd like to look at what you and I can take away from it, regardless of whether you voted for Obama, Romney, someone else, or none of the above.
Sometimes life doesn't give us the things that we want, does it? Seems like such a simple and obvious truth, yet we forget this sometimes, don't we? In my years of interacting with people I often wonder how much better we'd be if we all remembered and embraced the fact that perhaps we aren't important enough to win all of the battles we fight.
What about lessons from the President? His campaign was built on the theme of "Forward!" and its clear that voters felt he was the person to move the nation forward. Yet, after the rhetoric fades and the signs are put away the American people will expect the President to deliver on his promises. His ultimate legacy will rest on what he accomplished in office, in addition to the historic aspect of his presidency.
Our success is the same way isn't it? We spend so much time reaching for the brass ring, that sometimes we forget that the brass ring alone isn't enough. Of course we can revel in the joy that we reached goals and milestones...and we should enjoy those moments, but then we have to deliver and continue to deliver, don't we?
In other words, we never really arrive do we? The people who understand this continue to move forward, the ones who rest on past victories often leave their best days behind them.
What have you learned from your defeats and victories?