Yet, if I’m honest, for much of my life whenever I’ve heard someone say this I’ve thought …
- “If success is the journey, and I’m on the journey, why do I still feel so unsuccessful.
- Why can’t I pay my rent?
- Why haven’t I gotten the promotion?
- Why do I feel like a loser?
- When is it my turn?”
I make more money.
People like my pictures on Facebook.
I find “the one.”
I buy my first luxury car.
I get the promotion.
My kid becomes a doctor.
About 10 years ago my wife and I bought our first home and we thought it was “perfect” and one that we could live in for many years. We couldn’t have been happier. Then we saw some new homes being built that caught our eye, and suddenly our “perfect” home felt inadequate.
Then life took us on a journey where we sold our home, relocated out of state and rented a nice (but smaller) townhouse. And now, well, that “inadequate” home seems like it would be “perfect” once more!
A New Definition of Success
Let me give you the definition of success that I am working with today…
What if success can be defined as:
Simply having the courage to “show up?”
For some of you being successful may mean offering a suggestion in a meeting instead of being silent, or saying you disagree with a policy being implemented. For others it will be making the decision to leave your current company. It might mean being exceptionally kind to a customer who is just ripping your head off.
The thing is~all of these situations could go bad, right? You could offer a suggestion in the meeting that everyone thinks is awful. You may take the plunge to look for a new job and no one calls.
You could ask for a pay raise and be denied. You could offer amazing service to a customer who then blasts you on a ratings and reviews site (that’s always fun, right?)
Then what?
I say CELEBRATE!! Because success in these situations may not be about getting the raise, or having your suggestion adopted, or finding the dream job…in fact, I think success is more often about having the courage to ask for the raise, make the decision to look for a new career, asking someone out on a date, being nice to the rude customer, and simply “showing up” where and when you need to show up, than it is in the results that you get.
In what ways has success been more about “showing up” than about the results you’ve received?
(This post originally appeared on